Recipe: Rustic Savarin with Berries and Diplomat Cream

Recipe: Rustic Savarin with Berries and Diplomat Cream

Xara Tejada | 9 August 2017
Rustic Savarin with Berries and Diplomat Cream
cream • berries • dessert

During these summer months it seems like anything refreshing will do the trick to help us bounce back from the heat. This Savarin combines the fresh taste of berries and the syrup, with the delicate flavor of the Diplomat Cream, and last but not least the creaminess of the savarin dough. It is just the right thing for the occasion!


Savarin Dough:

  • ½ cup butter (in small cubes and at room temp.)
  • 3 eggs (medium size)
  • 1 pinch salt
  • ¾ cups flour
  • 2 teaspoons fresh yeast
  • Savarin mold (or just a small bundt cake one)


  • 4 ½ cups water
  • 2 ½ cups sugar
  • ¾ cups of Kirsch (or liquor of choice)

Pastry Cream:

  • 1 cup whole milk
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 1 ½ tbsp cornstarch
  • 2 ½ egg yolks

Diplomat Cream:

  • Pastry cream
  • ¾ cups cream (whipped)
  • 1 gelatin leaf/or 1 tbsp of gelatin powder
  • 1 ½ tbsp orange liquor (Cointreau)


Berries or fruits of choice



  1. In your mixer’s bowl with hook attachment place flour sugar and salt, and mix.
  2. In a small bowl mix eggs and fresh yeast. Add into dry ingredients at low speed until incorporated, and then increase speed to medium speed and let it be for 10 minutes.

3. When the dough is smooth and doesn’t stick to your fingers as much, add butter cubes little by little. Each time letting them be fully incorporated before adding the next spoonful. Keep kneading until it is smooth. and doesn’t stick.


4. In a greased bowl, place dough and let it rise until double its size in a warm and draft free place.

5. Now you have two options. To make it look more refined grease the mold and prepare a pastry bag (or you could use a normal bag with well defined tips), and cut the tip so the hole is about 1 ½ cm, and pipe into several lines until it is halfway full. If you want to make it look more rustic, which is what I did, you could always just roll the dough to a cylinder shape that will cover the mold. Then just place it into the mold and attach both ends. Let it rise for about 30 minutes in a warm and draft free environment.


6. Bake at 170° F for about 10-15 minutes, until it becomes golden. Then take out of mold and put back in oven to finish baking for about 10 minutes.

Pastry Cream

  • In a saucepan, warm the milk.
  • Place the eggs, sugar and cornstarch in a bowl and whisk until it looks a lighter color than before, almost a pale yellow color. Make sure to combine well, avoiding crumbs.

3. While whisking add warm milk into mix. With a strainer over saucepan, pour this mix back in and at medium heat cook while whisking all over. making sure to scrape all the sides.


4. Hydrate gelatin (if you are using leafs), or if you are using powder dissolve in a little bit of warm milk.

5. Once it starts to thicken, remove from heat and whisk vigorously. Return back to heat and boil it for a couple of seconds while mixing (this will ensure the pastry cream doesn’t taste like cornstarch).


6. Add gelatin, and mix well.

7. Place on a plate and cover it with plastic wrap (make sure it is touching the cream, otherwise it will develop a thin layer on top). Cool down in fridge.


  • In a large saucepan place water and sugar, and give a quick boil, dissolving the sugar completely.
  • Add liquor, and cover.
  • When it reaches about 45°-50° submerge the baked savarin dough. Carefully helping yourself with a spatula, turn around and let it absorb as much syrup as it can, and place on plate in the refrigerator after.

Diplomat Cream

  • Once the pastry cream has cooled down, place in a bowl and whisk until you reach a smooth consistency.
  • Whisk cream until almost fully whipped.
  • Add a little bit of whipped cream to pastry cream and whisk. Then add the rest by folding in.




Finishing Touches

  • Now at this point you can either use a pastry bag or just place spoonfuls of the cream into the center of the savarin. While also putting some of the berries or fruits you’ve chosen as topping.
  • Serve while still cool, and keep in the fridge.
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Recipe: Rustic Savarin with Berries and Diplomat Cream
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