We’re 4 months in and the new taverna by Aris Vezene is already becoming a classic addition to the Athenian food map. Offering traditional taverna treats, honestly priced and carefully served, Manári Taverna has won our heart for all the right reasons. Taste, ambience and value. Service still work in progress.

The first time I visited was back in early October 2024 on a pre-theater dinner. High expectations, a hard-to-please fellow diner and lots of dishes to try. To name a few: the vividly red tomato salad, served in steak slices and served with a generous dollop of extra virgin olive oil and capers on top, the spicy tyrokafteri (cheese spread) and the succulent lamb chops. But this was not just it.

As we were perusing the menu trying to decide between the grilled beef patties and grilled liver steak, we decided to go for the least adventurous option and order the former dish. As it turned out, a few minutes later, the waiter arrived with a portion of the delicately grilled liver steak -on the house- for us to get a bite of. What a nice surprise! And what a tasty dish. Simple, yet so delicious.

A few days later, I found myself at Manari again on an impromptu, walk-in dinner. By then, reservations started piling up for all busy nights of the week so we were lucky to have found a table by the kitchen counter. And it so exceeded our already heightened expectations. Think thick homey pasta with beef jus! A dish that travelled us back to when we were children, waiting for our mom to quickly put together some dinner pasta. Genius Aris Vezene!

Since then, I’ve visited again and again having similar experiences. The service may have been on and off, depending on who’s serving for the night and definitely far from what Vezenes himself has shared about the level of service he’d like to have at his places.
But in addition to a wholesome meal, I also discovered their top-notch tsoureki dessert. A must try if you’re a sweettooth.